How to Set Address Book Tags and Set Up Batch Shipping

This is an instructional video on how to set up tags, adding them to your address book, filtering by tags, and creating batch shipments for multiple customers. For more information, or to schedule a live demo, give us a call at (800) 881-0288.

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Within the XPS Ship Address book, we are able to add tags to addresses to easily filter and select addresses that should be grouped together. This enables originating batch shipments from the address book.

In this video, we will go over:
1. How to set up tags and add them to the contacts in your address book
2. How to filter by tags
3. Go over how to create batch shipments for multiple customers from your address book.


Setting Up Tags and Adding Them To The Contacts in Your Address Book

Start in the address book tab. If your address book is empty, and you need to upload your addresses, please watch the video titled Address Book Import, which is linked in this video description. You can also add records individually by clicking this “Add Address” button.

To create a group, or to start tagging contacts, the first step is to create the first tag. When we are in the address book, towards the top right corner, you will see a button that says “Manage Tags”. Choose this option and then select “Create a new tag”. Now, assign a name for the tag. I am going to name this example “Monthly Shipments”. Now click choose “color” and select the color you want to be assigned to this tag and click save.


How To Filter By Tags In XPS ShipHow To Create Batch Shipments For Multiple Customers From Your Address Book

Now that a tag exists, contacts can be assigned to it. As a side note, a contact can be assigned to multiple tags.

There are two ways of accomplishing this. Editing the individual contact, or tagging multiple contacts at the same time.

To add a tag to an individual contact, find the contact you wish to add. Click the upside-down triangle to the left of the name and choose “edit address” from the drop-down menu. If you scroll down a bit in the contact information you will see an area for tags. Click the text box to the right of where it says tags. This will cause a drop-down of all your saved tags. Click on the tag or tags you wish to add to this contact. You will see a checkmark appear to the right of the tag name and that is how you know you selected that tag. Now scroll down and click save. You can now see on the side in the address book that this contact has an address tag associated with this contact.

Maybe we have more than one customer that we need to add the tag to. For this, we are going to select the contacts by checking the box off to the left of the contact name. If you have a long list of addresses you can always search in this box for the contact to check the box off. Select the contacts that you desire to add, and now, towards the top click on this menu button that is identified by three dots on top of each other. Now choose the option “Add/Remove Tags”. Here you will see all your saved tags, click on the ones you wish to apply to these contacts, and click save. You will now see on the right-hand side that these contacts now have tags assigned to them.

Now we can easily filter by these tags to only see these contacts. In the top left-hand corner of the address box, you will see a field that says “Filter addresses by tags”. Click in that box and you will see a list of your tags. Click on the ones you wish to see. Please note that you can filter by more than one tag if you need.


How To Create Batch Shipments For Multiple Customers From Your Address Book

With the address book tags, it makes it simple to batch ship from your address book. You don’t have to use tags for this feature, but it does make it more efficient. To ship to a group that you have tagged, filter for the tag, then click this top box that will select all of the contacts in the group. Now click on this menu button, and click “Ship to selection”. You will now find orders for these contacts in both the Ship tab and the Batch tab, where you can process labels either individually or in batches.

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