If you’re ready to make the jump into eCommerce or simply switch up which platform you’re using, you might be wondering which is best for your business. With so many options, it can be hard to decipher which one would work best with your business and shipping needs. Luckily, XPS Ship is here to help. No matter what you’re shipping, our software will get it there. Specifically designed to work with your preferred eCommerce platform, you’ll have the ability to track shipments and print postage labels at your convenience all while getting the best rates available. Instead of spending time and effort focusing on how you’ll get your items out the door, XPS Ship takes care of the hard stuff so you’ll be able to concentrate on making your business a success. Seamless integration means fewer headaches, and integration with already established marketplaces like WooCommerce, Shopify and Magento shipping takes the stress out of filling orders. So, while our eCommerce shipping integration makes the shipping aspect of your business simple, let’s take a look at our top eCommerce platforms and find the right one for you.
Your eCommerce Shipping Integration Matters
The main benefit of using XPS Ship’s software is our partnership with over 20 online stores. This gives you the advantage of choosing which platform is best for your business, including providing the most comprehensive list of shipping rates available. It might seem difficult to find the right marketplace for your online store. To help you choose between Amazon and Shopify shipping integration, it helps to break down the top five partners working with XPS Ship today.
Magento Shipping
There are few eCommerce development sites like Magento. Priding themselves on their eco-friendly culture and process, they provide excellent opportunities to have more control over the look and feel of your online store. With the capability to craft an exceptional and unique customer experience and integrated third-party features like XPS Ship, you’ll have everything you need to build your virtual shop from the ground up. The advantages gained by XPS Ship will help you develop quick and easy shipping solutions through your Magento website. These benefits include:
- No hidden fees
- Updated shipping features like delivery confirmation
- Auto import functionality
- Batch shipping label services
- Works with USPS, DHL, UPS, and FedEx
- Live customer/chat support
With the creative power of this platform and the Magento shipping software provided by XPS Ship, your business will have a leg up on the competition.
With the goal of simplifying the development of eCommerce stores, Shopify makes it easy to create a well-developed site that works right from the start. Secure and reliable service is backed up by 24-hour customer support, along with mobile-ready features and an app to help both design and manage your store.
In addition, cart recover ensures customers who forget to hit “buy” will find a reminder to finish their sales. With XPS Ship’s Shopify shipping integration, the advantages are only reinforced by providing you with top-tier shipping services.
The advantage of Shopify’s storefront development is also a drawback. By making everything easier, there are fewer bells and whistles that a more experienced developer might make use of. While it is an excellent platform for beginners, the more experienced eCommerce owner may find the lack of more advanced options limiting.
Made for those who like to get their hands dirty, WooCommerce is the perfect way for those familiar with WordPress to craft a truly extraordinary shopping experience. Having an open-source development cycle means it’s as robust as you want it to be and adapting it to your needs is as easy as installing a plugin or two.
Even if you are new to the eCommerce scene, there is a well-defined cadre of WordPress enthusiasts to help guide you in creating an excellent final shop page. XPS Ship’s WooCommerce shipping integration also serves to simplify the process by making all of your purchases easy to deliver with package tracking, delivery confirmation, and no hidden fees.
Customizability isn’t always key, and WordPress can have its downside. New updates to WooCommerce programs can cause problems within sites if they aren’t compatible. In addition, it can be difficult to get exactly what you’re looking for, but with the help of knowledgeable staff and the community, you’ll have your hands on a quality shop sooner than you’d think.
At the pinnacle of tech-savvy eCommerce storefronts is Zen Cart. Formerly part of OS Commerce, Zen Cart struck out on its own to work on integral updates to the internal program architecture. Now, it has one of the most dedicated amateur support networks available and is highly customizable.
Since it takes a hands-on approach to eStore development, newer users can find the format difficult to deal with. However, those with the right know-how will be able to bend the program in new ways to get exactly what they’re looking for in a storefront. Add in the XPS shipping program for additional discounts and you’ve got a complete web-hosting experience that is a joy to tinker with.
As the eCommerce juggernaut that is recognized the world over, Amazon stands head and shoulders above the competition. Offering development tools that allow sellers to have a storefront separate from the main site, Amazon makes allows you to link directly to a shared inventory if needed.
While they do have their own shipping programs, choosing XPS is a great way to have more control over how things are delivered. In addition, you get all of the features associated with well-designed and integrated shipping software.
The main drawback of choosing Amazon as your storefront is the complex nature of defining your own space. In addition, you’ll lose the name recognition that comes with being listed directly on the main Amazon site. Even so, working with the best shipping program and the top eCommerce company gives you a great head start on your business.

Finding Your Ideal eCommerce Shipping Integration
Finding the right partner when deciding how to sell and ship your goods can be a long, arduous process, but we don’t think it has to be. Choosing from a robust selection of eMarketplaces, your business will be ready to get your products off warehouse shelves and into your customers’ hands. Choose XPS Ship, and focus on your products, not the packages they come in. Sign up for free today and find the perfect eCommerce shipping integration for you!